Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Matter of Faith or Chicanary?

I've decided to post here a Sunday morning mulling posted earlier on my other blog, The Isle of Mulling, because I believe the subject worthy of further discussion.  Faith is a huge part of our societal framework and it's abuse, as I've noted in this post, should be questioned.  So, for your consideration:

The thing is, Benny Hinn knows he's a charlatan; the charlatan always does.  His chicanery has come up in many conversations I've had this week, as the topic of religion and faith has been some of this week's hot topics for me.  His claims of healings can't be substantiated, he makes ridiculous claims that even people of his ilk shy away from, and he lives a lifestyle on par with the wealthiest elites, and that because of the immense wealth he's bilked from followers while ostensibly working to spread the good news of the gospel. I'm telling you he knows he's a fraud.

I thought to pepper a post here with stats and such to give you a glimpse into the life of a phony, but does a better job than I ever could.  Check it out. I also found a video that I thought both  humorous and sad at the same time of Benny Hinn at his "miracle crusades".  Check it out:

The main point here is that I'm saddened that people like Benny Hinn have no compunction about preying on the faithful for their own personal aggrandizement  The idea that wealth is acquired by taking advantage of folks who honestly hope for answers or healing from their faith is beyond appalling or criminal; it's evil.  The fact that these "faith healers" jet around the world in private planes as some poor family "planted a seed" with their last dollar in hopes of being healed should gall everyone.  The fact that anyone would prey on the naivety of the faithful should be held accountable, but being that it is a matter of faith, it's nearly impossible.  It's hard to convince the hopeful that their "healer" is nothing more than a snake oil salesman.  What do you say of the person who wrings out every last penny they can get from your hope?  It's sad.


  1. Agreed.

    One of my cousins was a follower of took her some convincing that the guy was a total rip-off.

    -French Bean

  2. There was an HBO special a few years ago that exposed Benny Hinn and that German dude that goes all over Africa. There's a special place in Hell for those fakers.


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